How Estate-Search helps you?
You can start your new life in Japan from that day on you arrive!

Getting information of rooms before you come to Japan.
We interview what kinds of room you want in your language from where you are.
You can get information and check a room layout and interiors we picked up for you.
Life support & move-in support
- ■Life support
- ・we support following items
- ・registration for foreigners
- ・enrolling in the National Health Insurance system
- ・implementing income tax cuts
- ・opening a bank account
- ・renewing visa
- ・picking up at the airport
- ■move-in support
- ・room matching before your arrival(you can move in on the day you arrive.)
- ・language support in Enlighs, Chinese and Korean
- ・help to estalibsh services (water, electricity, gas etc.)
- ・introduce a landscape around a house (convenient stores, stations, supermarkets etc.)
- ・instruct life manners(how to trash garvages or unneccesary household)
- ・translating when you get in trouble
Support for groups
- ■Support for groups
- ・picking up at an airport, guidance for living, and reserving move-in rooms
- ・Carrying furnish and home electric appliances before coming
- ・Establishing lifeline service bofore coming
We responded successufully to followings.
Case 1
We helped that student from procedure of application to current day of the enterence examination, the hotel reservation.
The student seemed to be not be in confident of Japanese.We lectured the student about how to interview and write paper for preparing the exam.
It was worth it. The student passed the exam and rent a room near the university.
Case 2
I am a Chinese and going to visit Japan as a research student in Japanese university. I want to rent a room near university. However it is the very first time to visit.
We welcomed the student at airport accommodating Chinese. The room the student want to move in, had been booked before coming Japan. On the way from the airport we swinged by the city hall and applied foreigner registration and national health insurance. We got a real estate agency office and made a contract. On that day the student could move in the room. In the acar on the road, we introduced rules of life in Japan, how to open a bank account and purchase groceries.
Case 3
From a university
C university's shor of hands on accepting foeign students.
We were asked to help so that we support before coming and after, and to prepare for the new life in Japan.
We did pick-up at the airport, guidance of the life in Japan, buygin groceries, application of foreign registration and others, and introduction rooms.
We met a lot of foreign students. And hearing from thouse students, it was a big benefit us for the next.