hotter tasting Sukiyaki, vegitable pot dish
I made hotter tasting Sukiyaki, vegitable pot dish

I made hotter tasting Sukiyaki, vegitable pot dish
I put all leftovers from fridge.
I put vegetables from JA, 100yen.
There are a lot of vegetales much more than meat.
The point is to put cabbages the bottom of pot fully.
On it, put mashrooms, carrots, onions and meat.
Put soy source, liquor, sugar, sesame oil, garlic, jinger and hot chilly paste together.
And I put the pot on fire. ♪
Usually I haven't bought beef for saving money.
Today I bought domestic beef!!
I ate with raw york this. ♪
For doing on a diet, I ate vegetables a lot instead of a white rice.
I'm feeling I'm in accelerate metabolism.
Today's dinner just costs 120 yen for vegetables and 498 yen for beef.
For two people, it costs 609 yen!!