residential terminology
不動産店(real estate agent office)
An office which job is to sell housese or land for other people.
Someone who promises to pay a debt if the person who should pay ti does not. You have to ensure this person, when you make a contract for rent. A guarantor is required to gain a certain amount of income.
重要事項説明(explanation of important matter)
When a real estate agency office introduce a room, before you make a contract, it explain the most important matter and give it to you.This shows you about the status of building, rooms, deposit and so on. If you understand then you should ask and make sure.
Deposit ismoney that you pay when you rent a room, which wiil be givein back if you do not damage or non-payment.It is the same amout of 3 month rent money only as a guide.When you move-in a room, you give the deposit to your house owner and you will be given back when you move-out.Depends on the region, deposit is called insurance fee. And also insurance fee is as much as deposit.
礼金(key money)
key money is paid to your house owner when you make a contrat to rent a room. You had better to prepare it as amount of one to two monthly rent fee. It will not be reimbursed. These days, some owner don't require it.
損害保険料(non-life insurance premium)
It is general to prepare for fire or water leak by an insureance pack .
家賃(rent money)
the money that someone pays regularly to use a room, house etc that belongs to someone els: You have to pay the present month rent money at last month.If you move in or out in mid-month, basically, you pay the rent on a pro-rate basis.
共益費(common-area charge)
hallway, stairs where regidents wused common-area
賃貸債務保証会社(a debt gurantee company for lease)
A debt gurantee company for lease gurantee the rent money when you can't pay it. If you want to use this system, you have to pay the amount of deposits(35-50% of monthly rent money for gurantee for 2 years' rent but single payment) However it is not an insurance. You will be billed by the company after it paid the non payment instead of you.
普通賃貸借契約(contrract of lease)
It is the most common contract when you rent a room.Althogh the contract period is over, without the good reason, the contract is valid. In other words, the contract is automatically renewed even though you and your house owner can not reach agreement.
現状回復(restoring to the status quo)
為了修復租Because of your fault, conscious or unconscious aim you break or dirt your room.You should pay for damage to resore it as it was. The payment is called 原状回復費(restoring fee) and is duductied based on the damage. Keep your room as it was at the first day you rent.
Japanese rent system is different from your county's one.
Please check it carefully.If you need more information contact us.